Some moments are hard. Yah, I know the saying is "some days are hard". But truthfully, my whole day wasn't hard. The majority of my day was good. There were even moments that were great. I woke up being held and feeling treasured. I got my paperwork done...which I had left for the last minute! I had good and productive sessions with clients. Then I went to my parent's place and cooked supper. Unfortunately my mom and I had a disagreement. That is a really rare event. I didn't explain myself well and we had a misunderstanding. I tried to explain myself better and I hope its solved but the disagreement really brought me down.
Why do we do that? Why do we concentrate so much on what went wrong instead of what went right? Why do we allow a short incident color our whole day?
Out of the 1440 minutes of my day, only 25 were actually not good. That is less than 2% of my day! So 98% of my day was good! And on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being fantabulous and 1 being not worth a crap, those 25 minutes were only at a 4 (uncomfortable awkward)! The other 1415 minutes were divided between 8 (pretty dang good) and 7 (pleasantly satisfying).
So how do we change our focus from that 2% to the 98%? We must be present and aware of the good in our lives. We must seek out and remind ourselves of that 98%. We tend to float through our day without being aware of all of the great, good and even fair things, events and people in our lives. We miss them because we don't acknowledge them.
Acknowledge those great, good and fair moments! Write them down, start a gratitude or joy journal. Be thankful for those moments. Give thanks, give praise and see the good in your life!
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